Kniele GmbH  |  Tel. +49 7582 9303 - 0 |     

Mixing tools of stainless steel in a concrete mixer.
Mixing Systems
KKM - Kniele Konus Mischer

SUS Suspension Mixers

The KNIELE SUS stainless steel suspension mixer with speed-controlled bucket agitator was specially developed for highly viscous and sensitive products. With its conical hollow-profile stirring units, it produces turbulent self-propagative vortices. With its laminar flows, the medium’s typical inherent dynamics mean that it is optimally exploited for mixing.
Controlled vortices...
Advantages at a glance
2D CAD drawing of cylindrical mixers with mixing tools, side view and view from above.

Colossally colloidal...

Mixer cover of stainless steel with red limit switch and removable grid with handles.
Three stainless steel cups horizontally offset by 120 degrees attached to a central round bar in motion view through grid.
Three stainless steel cups horizontally offset by 120 degrees attached to a central round bar.
Contact Genius !














Dipl. Ing. Harald Kniele

Specialist mixing technology and plant components

phone: +49 7582 9303-0